// paul mcleod //
IROW (Introductory Remarks on wwdada)
The wwdada [pron. da'da' - ww is silent] is not merely a neo-dadaism, but the only true dada. Early attempts to express the dada outside this medium are meaningless and futile.
wwdada is the official philosophy of the w3 consortium (we-want-wwdada consortium - http://www.w3.org/) and the Sydney Olympic (http://www.smh.com.au/news/0003/20/national/national10.html) Games (http://www.olympics.com/eng/) (IOC). Note well the following readily verifiable facts: wwdada is not simply a new web technology, although all web is wwdada. wwdada loves you and wants you to be better than you can ever imagine. Strive for wwdada! Just wwdada (http://www.hrw.org/hrw/worldreport99/special/corporations.html)! wwdada site established Dec 13, 1971 as part of a Carnegie Mellon (http://www.cmu.edu/) project, although wwdada has been in existence for centuries. Earlier primitive forms of the dada existed but they were weak & meaningless & failed to destroy art + culture. Relying on primitive human languages and non-visual communication, they failed to spread beyond the tiny european domains of .de .sz and .fr. In contrast, wwdada is multimedial and uses universal languages such as HTML 4.01, XML, PNG. wwdada is benevolent & rejoices in the infinite expanse and inescapability of transience. [[[ wwdada dada is infinitely more advanced than DATA and will in time destroy all Information! ]]] e-mail is no dada as prose is enemy of the dada. True wwdada is world-wide, odorless, transient and colourful. dada NT is fully Sardine-aware, GST excempt and may be upgraded to dada3000.99 for fully automated interdadadada* functionality.
PPOW (Project Progress Of wwdada)
% of all Information destroyed/ rendered meaningless: 82.772%
This site best viewed with level 4 dada or better (or with earnest resolve). Or come around to Glebe. icq wwdada is online
AO (Affiliated Organisations)
Only genuine wwdada webdada is Hot & Cool... Accept no substitute! wwdada is an independent entity but is nevertheless proud to be associated with the following groups, trademarks and causes:
Microdada (http://www.microsoft.com/) - Activedada - Visualdada - Macrodadia - i-dada – Nik (http://www.hrw.org/hrw/worldreport99/special/corporations.html)e - 3COM - Hyperdada - indada - KPMG - Useless Industries (http://uselessindustries.com/)
wWdADa is mouthpiece der virtualler Real(IT)-e IT is irrational & leads to happ(^e)ness i-Art propogates through e-tHe/r to e-Ter[me]nal LEGITIMAC-e!
--Salmon a-312222
--init psswd: psswd
wwdaDA is no ART but can dXXXXXestroy any information Simply PLACE discomforting info !!!! to render as INSTANT InfoDestruction-Art
--- ||||||||||||||||||||| it's UP to you ||||||||||||||||||||| ---
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